I believed this lie about YouTube for years

I’ve asked some of the best creators on YouTube, “How do you write such great titles?”

And they’ve all said the same thing: “I just model what works.”

So this email will show you 5 videos worth modeling to help you write great titles and save time.

Btw, if you want to save more time and use a title generator that uses all the titles ever featured in Creator Hooks, check out Creator Hooks Pro.

Enduring Lies

jesus lie thumbnail

Title: I believed this LIE about Jesus for Years

Framework: I believed this LIE about (Entity) for Years

Hook score: +380

Why this works:

Negativity – People love drama and believing a lie for years promises a lot of it.

Curiosity – This title opens a loop because it makes you want to know what the lie is.

Time Frame – Consider these two titles: “I Used To Believe This Lie About Jesus” vs. “I believed this LIE about Jesus for Years.” Throwing in the “for years” makes this lie seem even bigger and more dangerous.

How you can use this framework: Tell your audience about a lie you used to believe for years.

Examples of this framework in action:

  • I believed this LIE about Dating for Years
  • I believed this LIE about Graphic Design for Years

Mad Max

drone vs car thumbnail

Title: World’s Fastest Camera Drone Vs F1 Car (ft. Max Verstappen)

Framework: World’s (Extreme Attribute) (Object) Vs (Standard of Attribute)

Hook score: +535

Why this works:

Desire – This channel’s audience loves speed.

Extreme – People love extreme things, like “World’s Fastest Camera Drone”.

Curiosity – Pitting two things against each other builds curiosity because you want to know which will win.

Authority – Dropping Max Verstappen’s name (the current F1 champion) grabs the audience’s attention and lets them know this isn’t just any F1 driver in this video, it’s the best.

How you can use this framework: Pit the world’s fastest (or other extreme attribute) object against the standard of speed (or whichever other attribute you choose).

Examples of this framework in action:

  • World’s Fastest Human Vs Cheetah (ft. Usain Bolt)
  • World’s Best Chess Player Vs AI

Get Your Personal YouTube Coach

vidiq AI coach

vidIQ just launched their AI Personal YouTube coach to help you grow your channel.

It can help you:

  • Come up with video ideas
  • Write better titles
  • Write your video script
  • Write your tags and description
  • And more

If you wanna give it a try, you can get a 30-day trial for just $1 here:

Try vidIQ for $1.

​(Affiliate link)

“Shot On iPhone”

shot on iphone thumbnail

Title: Why “Shot On iPhone” Commercials Look So Good! Ft. Claudio Miranda

Framework: Why (Surprising Thing Happens)

Hook score: +709

Why this works:

Curiosity – This title promises to answer a question that so many people have asked themselves.

Desire – This creator’s audience wants to make better-looking videos.

How you can use this framework: Tell your audience why something surprising happens.

Examples of this framework in action:

  • Why Food Tastes Better At Restaurants
  • Why You’re Always Tired

Avoiding Grandma Style

style tips to avoid thumbnail


Framework: 3 (Niche) Tips To Avoid (Unwanted Attribute) (Specific Audience)

Hook score: +1968

Why this works:

List – Lists make videos feel more tangible (you know exactly what the video will be about) and they add some curiosity.

Negativity – This title is all about avoiding pain, rather than getting pleasure.

Specific Audience – This specifically calls out people over 50, which makes people over 50 feel like this video was made for them (which makes them more likely to click).

How you can use this framework: Give a specific group of people tips to avoid looking or feeling a certain way.

Examples of this framework in action:

  • 3 Fishing Tips To Avoid Getting Skunked For Beginner Fishermen
  • 3 Gardening Tips To Avoid Killing Your Plants In Cold Climates

Bold Bracing

brace a gate thumbnail

Title: The Only Way To Brace A Gate

Framework: The Only Way To (Activity or Achieve Goal)

Hook score: +16867

Why this works:

Curiosity – This title builds curiosity two ways:

1) It opens a loop because it makes you want to know which way is the only way.

2) “The Only Way” adds a constraint that makes this video more bold and interesting.

Desire – This creator’s audience wants to learn how to brace a gate.

How you can use this framework: Tell your audience about the only way to do something.

Examples of this framework in action:

  • The Only Way To Squat
  • The Only Way To Quit Procrastinating

Flop of the Week

camera sensor thumbnail


Hook score: -84

Why this flopped: I actually like this title. I love refuting objections, like how they did with “without Ruining Your Camera” here.

However, it seems like that wasn’t enough to get lots of people to click.

So what could they have done better?

Here’s my question: how many people are actually interested in cleaning their camera sensor? And of those people, how many care enough to watch a video about it?

I’m not into photography, so I don’t know the answer, but based on the performance of this video, it seems like it might not be that many people.

That doesn’t mean cleaning your camera sensor isn’t important though.

To get more people interested in this video, they could’ve gone broader in the title and positioned it as a benefit or leveraged fear:

  • The 3-Minute Hack To Make Your Photography Instantly Better (benefit-driven)
  • This Simple Mistake Is Ruining Your Photography (fear-driven)

Alright, that wraps up this week’s Creator Hooks!

Hope you enjoyed this week’s edition and if you know a fellow creator who needs help writing better titles, please send them to creatorhooks.com.

– Jake

(@jthomas__ on Twitter)

P.S. Read previous editions here.

P.P.S. If you want to see all of the videos from Creator Hooks in one place, check out Creator Hooks Pro.

Read last week’s edition »