This Is The #1 Threat To YouTubers

Good news — I became a dad this weekend!

It took a long time for her to get here (she was 9 days late!), so I had plenty of time to wait around and write this week’s newsletter.

This email will show you 5 videos worth modeling to help you write great titles and save time.


New World Order

economy threat

Title: This Is The #1 THREAT To The U.S. ECONOMY

Formula: This Is The #1 Threat To (Entity)

Hook score: +385

Why this works:

Curiosity – This title builds curiosity because it tells you there’s a threat, but leaves you hanging by not saying what that threat is.

Negativity – Talking about threats makes the audience fearful. Fear causes stress, and stress causes action, and that action is often the audience clicking your video.

How you can use this hook: Tell your audience what the #1 threat to something important to them is.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • This Is The #1 Threat To Your Knees
  • This Is The #1 Threat To Your Marriage

R6 Clicks

r6 thumbnail

Title: The BEST R6 Attacker NOBODY Plays…

Formula: The BEST (Entity) NOBODY (Activity)…

Hook score: +478

Why this works:

Curiosity – This title builds curiosity two ways. 1) There’s contrast between “Best R6 Attacker” and “NOBODY Plays”. 2) The title doesn’t specify who that attacker is, so you have to click to find out.

Desire – This creator’s audience is interested in good R6 attackers.

How you can use this hook: Tell your audience about the best thing nobody plays, does, uses, etc.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • The BEST Steak NOBODY Makes…
  • The BEST Country NOBODY Visits…

Get Your Personal YouTube Coach

vidiq AI coach

vidIQ just launched their AI Personal YouTube coach to help you grow your channel.

It can help you:

  • Come up with video ideas
  • Write better titles
  • Write your video script
  • Write your tags and description
  • And more

If you wanna give it a try, you can get a 30-day trial for just $1 here:

Try vidIQ for $1.

(Affiliate link)

Collagen Confirmation

collagen supplements thumbnail

Title: Do collagen supplements really work? 🤔 Dermatologist @DrDrayzday

Formula: Do (Tool) really work? 🤔 (Position)

Hook score: +487

Why this works:

Curiosity – This builds curiosity by asking a question.

Desire – This creator’s audience wants to know if collagen supplements really work.

Authority – This title drops the creator’s profession in at the end to get people to trust her content.

How you can use this hook: Ask if a tool your audience is interested in really works.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • Do robo investors really work? 🤔
  • Is the Bible actually true? Historian Explains

TSA Troubles

tsa mistakes thumbnail

Title: TSA Line Mistakes in 2023 (travel tips for airport security)

Formula: [Place] Mistakes in [Current Year] ([Niche] tips for [Place])

Hook score: +592

Why this works:

Negativity – Nobody wants to make mistakes, and this title benefits from that. This video is also about one of the most frustrating things about flying: the TSA line.

Timeliness – Dropping “2023” in there lets the audience know this is relevant right now.

Desire – This title finishes off by telling the audience they’ll get the main thing they watch this channel for: travel tips.

How you can use this hook: Tell your audience about common mistakes in your niche in the current year.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • Dieting Mistakes in 2023 (nutrition tips to lose weight)
  • Tax Mistakes in 2023 (tax filing tips for small businesses)

$20 Million Underdog

$20 million company thumbnail

Title: Meet a 23-year old from India running a $20,000,000 company in the US

Formula: Meet a (Underdog Achieving a Big Dream)

Hook score: +2439

Why this works:

Curiosity – There’s contrast between “23-year-old” and “running a $20,000,000 company”, as well as the fact that this guy is from India, but running a big company in the US.

Desire – This creator’s audience would love to run a $20,000,000 company. Plus, everybody likes a good underdog story because they can relate and be encouraged that they can do the same.

Authority & credibility – This 23-year-old isn’t just running a small company — $20,000,000 adds authority and credibility that proves he’s legit and you can learn something from him.

How you can use this hook: Introduce your audience to an underdog who’s doing something impressive.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • Meet the 60-Year-Old Marathoner Who Beat Addiction & Depression
  • Meet the blind woman who became America’s best artist

Flop of the Week

investing habits thumbnail

Title: 5 INVESTING HABITS That Will Make You A Millionaire (DO THIS IN 2023) | Jaspreet Singh

Hook score: -80

Why this flopped: This title has it all: a list, a big desire, the current year, and it’s about habits (one of my favorite topics).

So why did this flop?

Well, the title is a little longer than many of the other recent titles, so that could be it.

But honestly, I think this is just a good example that even if you write a great title, your videos won’t always go viral.

Make the best title and thumbnail you can, and make the best video you can, then let YouTube do its thing.

If you get 1% better with each video and don’t give up, you can make it on YouTube.

Alright, that wraps up this week’s Creator Hooks!

Hope you enjoyed this week’s edition and if you know a fellow creator who needs help with writing better titles, please send them to

– Jake

(@jthomas__ on Twitter)

P.S. Read previous editions here.

P.P.S. If you want to see all of the videos from Creator Hooks in one place, check out Creator Hooks Pro.

Read last week’s edition »