The 5 New AI Tools That Will Change YouTube Forever

I’ve asked some of the best creators on YouTube, “How do you write such great titles?”

And they’ve all said the same thing: “I just model what works.”

So this email will show you 5 videos worth modeling to help you write great titles and save time.

Btw, if you want to save time and see all of the titles and thumbnails from Creator Hooks in one place, check out Creator Hooks Pro.

Hidden Hangout

secret gaming room thumbnail

Title: I Built a Secret Gaming Room to Hide From My Mom!

Formula: I Built a Secret (Activity) Room To (Action)!

Hook score: +487

Why this works:

Curiosity – Building a “secret” room and Matthew doing the shhh face in the thumbnail both build curiosity.

Desire – Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like this is something every kid wanted growing up.

How you can use this hook: Build a secret place to hide and do something cool.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • I Built a Secret Man Cave to Hide From My Kids!
  • I Built a Secret Music Room to Play My Guitar!

Sub 3

sub 3 marathon thumbnail

Title: How I Went from 3:59 to 2:48 in the MARATHON

Formula: How I Went from (Good) to (Great) in (Event)

Hook score: +588

Why this works:

Desire – Many people in this creator’s audience want to run a marathon in under 3 hours.

Progress – Telling people how you went from point A to point B starts a story and builds curiosity.

Credibility – This isn’t just an empty “how to” video, it’s about “How I”, which makes this video more believable.

How you can use this hook: Tell the story of how you went from good to great in something your audience wants to do.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • How I Went from Noob to Expert in Photoshop
  • How My Agency Went from $10,000 to $100,000/Month

Get Your Personal YouTube Coach

vidiq AI coach

vidIQ just launched their AI Personal YouTube coach to help you grow your channel.

It can help you:

  • Come up with video ideas
  • Write better titles
  • Write your video script
  • Write your tags and description
  • And more

If you wanna give it a try, you can get a 30-day trial for just $1 here:

Try vidIQ for $1.

(Affiliate link)

Brain Training

train your brain thumbnail

Title: Train Your Brain To Make More Money Now | Marisa Peer

Formula: Train Your Brain To (Achieve Goal)

Hook score: +644

Why this works:

Desire – This creator’s audience wants to make more money now.

Curiosity – There’s something about “train your brain” that feels like a shortcut that could actually work, but it’s mysterious enough that it builds curiosity and makes you want to click.

How you can use this hook: Tell your audience how they can train their brain to achieve a goal.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • Train Your Brain To Be Fluent In Spanish In 2 Months
  • Train Your Brain To Quit Procrastinating

Travel Transformation

commercial aircraft thumbnail

Title: The 5 New Commercial Aircraft That Will Change The Way We Travel

Formula: The 5 New (Object) That Will Change The Way We (Activity)

Hook score: +1289

Why this works:

List – Lists make videos feel more tangible (you know exactly what the video will be about) and they add some curiosity.

Curiosity – “Change” builds curiosity because you know something will be different, but you don’t know what, so you have to click and find out.

“New” – People love new things. That’s it, that’s the tweet.

How you can use this hook: Tell your audience about new things that will change the way you currently do things.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • 3 New Studies That Will Change The Way We Work Out
  • The 5 New AI Tools That Will Change Software Development Forever

Salt Slinger

detergent salt thumbnail

Title: Mix detergent with SALT 😱 You will not believe the incredible result

Formula: Mix (Object) with (Object) 😱 You will not believe the incredible result

Hook score: +1384

Why this works:

Curiosity – The title builds curiosity by opening a loop and not telling you what will happen. The thumbnail builds curiosity by showing something that’s just about to happen. Both of these make you feel the need to click and see what happens.

Broad audience – Everybody has detergent and salt in their home, so nearly anybody can enjoy this video.

How you can use this hook: Tell your audience that something incredible happens when you mix two things together.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • Dip Oreos In Orange Juice 😱 You will not believe the incredible taste
  • Combine AI & Old School Businesses To Hit $10,000/Month

Flop of the Week

sr-71 thumbnail

Title: What Was it Like To Fly The SR-71 Blackbird

Hook score: -92

Why this flopped: Do you know what the SR-71 Blackbird is? Yeah, me neither.

And although this creator’s audience loves military planes and many of them might know what the SR-71 Blackbird is, it would be more powerful (and easy to read) if they titled this video something like:

“What It Was Like To Fly The Fastest Military Plane In History”

Giving things labels and taking them to the extreme is a great way to make obscure topics more exciting and easy to understand.

Oh… and when you’re making your thumbnails, make sure the text is easy to read.

Alright, that wraps up this week’s Creator Hooks!

Hope you enjoyed this week’s edition and if you know a fellow creator who needs help with writing better titles, please send them to

– Jake

(@jthomas__ on Twitter)

P.S. Read previous editions here.

P.P.S. If you want to see all of the videos from Creator Hooks in one place, check out Creator Hooks Pro.

Read last week’s edition »