YouTube Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Channel

I’ve asked some of the best creators on YouTube, “How do you write such great titles?”

And they’ve all said the same thing: “I just model what works.”

So this email will show you 5 videos worth modeling to help you write great titles and save time.

Btw, if you want to save time and see all of the titles and thumbnails from Creator Hooks in one place, check out Creator Hooks Pro.

Bustin Out The Big Guns

4 bore rifle thumbnail

Title: The 4 BORE Rifle (The Biggest Rifle EVER !!!)

Formula: The [Object] (The [Extreme Trait] [Object] EVER !!!)

Hook score: +383

Why this works:

Desire – This creator’s audience loves big guns.

Extreme – People love to watch videos about extreme things, like, in this case, the biggest rifle ever.

How you can use this hook: Tell your audience about the biggest (or other extreme) product ever in your niche.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • The Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+ (The Fastest Car EVER !!!)
  • Japanese A5 Wagyu Tomahawk (The Most Expensive Steak EVER!)

Mournful Minimalism

dark side of minimalism thumbnail

Title: The Dark Side of Minimalism: “Decluttering Ruined My Life”

Formula: The Dark Side of (Trend): “(Trend) Ruined My Life”

Hook score: +386

Why this works:

Negativity – People love drama and this title is full of it.

Timeliness – Minimalism and decluttering are popular trends right now.

Curiosity – Most people think minimalism and decluttering is great, but this title is counterintuitive and claims that it’s bad.

How you can use this hook: Tell your audience about the dark side of a trend.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • The Dark Side of AI: “ChatGPT Ruined My Life”
  • The Dark Side of Keto: “Cutting Carbs Ruined My Life”

Get Your Personal YouTube Coach

vidiq AI coach

vidIQ just launched their AI Personal YouTube coach to help you grow your channel.

It can help you:

  • Come up with video ideas
  • Write better titles
  • Write your video script
  • Write your tags and description
  • And more

If you wanna give it a try, you can get a 30-day trial for just $1 here:

Try vidIQ for $1.

(Affiliate link)

Haircare Calamity

haircare mistakes

Title: Haircare Mistakes That Will RUIN Your Hair

Formula: (Activity) Mistakes That Will RUIN Your (Possession)

Hook score: +824

Why this works:

Negativity – Nobody wants to make mistakes or ruin their hair, and this title uses that to get people to click. The thumbnail also adds to the negativity with a warning.

How you can use this hook: Tell your audience about the mistakes they might make that’ll ruin something of theirs.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • Management Mistakes That Will RUIN Your Career
  • Lighting Mistakes That Will RUIN Your Photos

Raleigh Regret

north carolina thumbnail

Title: 12 Reasons People REGRET Moving To North Carolina

Formula: 12 Reasons People REGRET (Action)

Hook score: +1125

Why this works:

List – Lists make videos feel more tangible (you know exactly what the video will be about) and they add some curiosity.

Negativity – Nobody wants to have regrets, and this title uses that to its advantage.

How you can use this hook: Tell your audience about the reasons your audience might regret making a decision.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • 12 Reasons People REGRET Starting A YouTube Channel
  • 12 Reasons People REGRET Investing In The Stock Market

Simple Plan

simple trick thumbnail

Title: This SIMPLE TRICK Changed Everything for me

Formula: This SIMPLE (Niche) TRICK Changed Everything for me

Hook score: +2211

Why this works:

Desire – People love “simple tricks”, and “Changed Everything” is open-ended (which builds curiosity), but sounds like something cool happened.

Curiosity – This title is a cliffhanger because it doesn’t specify what the trick is.

Specific Audience – The thumbnail calls out people over 40, which makes them more likely to click.

How you can use this hook: Tell your audience about a simple trick that changed everything for you.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • This SIMPLE Painting Trick Changed Everything for me
  • This SIMPLE Sleeping Trick Changed Everything for me

Flop of the Week

no spend challenge thumbnail

Title: HOW MUCH MONEY DID WE SAVE? | No-Spend Challenge | minimalism + frugal living

Hook score: -84

Why this flopped: I think this flopped for two reasons:

1) It’s too complicated. It’s not easy to instantly read and understand, so people scroll on by.

2) This may have been a bad topic for her channel. It seems like her audience is into minimalism and frugalism. Although they’re kinda the same thing as saving money, they have a slightly different vibe.

To avoid these mistakes, have simple, clear titles, and know your audience and why they watch your channel.

Alright, that wraps up this week’s Creator Hooks!

Hope you enjoyed this week’s edition and if you know a fellow creator who needs help with writing better titles, please send them to

– Jake

(@jthomas__ on Twitter)

P.S. Read previous editions here.

P.P.S. If you want to see all of the videos from Creator Hooks in one place, check out Creator Hooks Pro.

Read last week’s edition »