You’re Not Bad At YouTube: How To Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers

I’ve asked some of the best creators on YouTube, “How do you write such great titles?”

And they’ve all said the same thing: “I just model what works.”

So this email will show you 5 videos worth modeling to help you write great titles and save time.

Btw, if you want to see all of the titles and thumbnails from Creator Hooks in one place, check out Creator Hooks Pro.

The Purposeful Leak

avoid taxes thumbnail

Title: LEAKED! Tax Strategist Reveals How LLC Business Owners AVOID Taxes…

Formula: LEAKED! (Authority Position) Reveals How (Specific Audience) AVOID (Unwanted Action)…

Hook score: +418

Why this works:

Desire – Everybody in this creator’s audience would love to avoid taxes.

Curiosity – Starting the title with “LEAKED!” and making the thumbnail look like a clip from leaked footage is a fun way to build curiosity by making the audience feel like they’re getting in on a secret.

Negativity – This video is about avoiding a pain point — paying taxes.

Authority – This video has credibility because it’s from a Tax Strategist.

How you can use this hook: Make it feel like your secret for how to help your audience avoid doing something they don’t want to do was leaked.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • LEAKED! Flight Attendant Reveals How Travelers Can AVOID Paying For Checked Bags…
  • LEAKED! Recruiter Reveals How Job Applicants Can ALWAYS Land Interviews…

Lazy Livin

you're not lazy thumbnail

Title: You’re Not Lazy: How to Live a Chaotically Organised Life

Formula: You’re Not (Unwanted Trait): How To (Achieve Goal)

Hook score: +424

Why this works:

Negativity – This title starts out by refuting a self-doubt.

Desire – Everyone in this creator’s audience would love to live an organised life.

Curiosity – “Chaotically Organised” are opposites, which builds curiosity.

How you can use this hook: Tell your audience that they’re not a negative trait, then tell them how to achieve one of their goals.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • You’re Not Slow: How To Run A 5K Under 20 Minutes
  • You’re Not A Bad Guitar Player: How To Get Better At Guitar Fast

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Cruising Into Controversy

worst cruise thumbnail

Title: This “Adult Only” Cruise Was The Worst Cruise I’ve Ever Taken | Virgin Voyages

Formula: This “(Controversial)” (Experience) Was The Worst (Experience) I’ve Ever Taken | (Keywords)

Hook score: +662

Why this works:

Negativity – People love hearing about drama.

Extreme – The “Worst Cruise I’ve Ever Taken” makes for a much better story than just a really bad cruise.

How you can use this hook: Dig into the controversy and tell your audience about the worst experience you’ve ever had in regards to your niche.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • This “Invite Only” Grand Opening Was The Worst Meal I’ve Ever Had
  • This “Early Release” Smart Phone Is The Worst Technology I’ve Ever Used

Cake Boss Calamity

buddy v thumbnail

Title: Buddy Valastro Was Never The Same After Cake Boss

Formula: (Entity) Was Never The Same After (Event)

Hook score: +1086

Why this works:

Curiosity – “Was Never The Same” opens up a loop and makes you wonder what happened to Buddy.

How you can use this hook: Tell the story of how someone or something was never the same after an event.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • Elon Musk Was Never The Same After Buying Twitter
  • Real Estate Investing Will Never Be The Same After 2022

Double Doozy

stop standing here thumbnail

Title: Stop Standing HERE in Doubles! (why you’re losing)

Formula: Stop [Common Action]! (why you’re [Unwanted Result])

Hook score: +1231

Why this works:

Curiosity – Many tennis players think it’s good to stand at the spot shown in the thumbnail, so it’s counterintuitive for the creator to say stop standing there.

Negativity – Telling your audience to stop doing something common is a great way to get their attention.

How you can use this hook: Tell your audience to stop doing something common or supposedly good.

Examples of this hook in action:

  • Stop Counting Calories! (why you’re overweight)
  • Stop Paying Off Debt! (why you’re broke)

Flop of the Week

ex child thumbnail

Title: 5 Things Every Ex-Child Needs to Hear

Hook score: -81

Why this flopped: I thought this title was funny and clever, but that’s not what get clicks.

Clarity beats cleverness every time, and this is a good example of that.

So the next time you’re coming up with ideas, ask yourself, is this title crystal clear?

Alright, that wraps up this week’s Creator Hooks!

If you know a fellow creator who needs help with writing better titles, please send them to

– Jake

(@jthomas__ on Twitter)

P.S. Read previous editions here.

P.P.S. If you want to see all of the videos from Creator Hooks in one place, check out Creator Hooks Pro.

Read last week’s edition »